Living Water

Living Water Project

Most Cambodian families live in rural villages where rainfall is the only source of water. During drought years, the lack of adequate water storage and other infrastructure problems mean that often the only water available to drink is unsafe. Most families can’t afford medical treatment for the diseases that come from using polluted water. As a result, children many times can’t attend school, parents frequently can’t work and the cycle of poverty is reinforced.

With a reliable source of clean water, families benefit financially. When clean water is available, families can grow better crops to sell at the market, earning two or three times their average monthly income (around $125 per month). More money earned at home helps keep fathers from leaving the country to find work. Many of the men who leave their families never return.

The Living Water project provides one well for a family with the understanding that they will freely share the clean water with 10 neighboring families, and also invite those neighbors to a Bible study in their home. Through the Bible study, neighbors can hear about the Living Water – Jesus Christ. Within two weeks of the first well installation, there were 10 new believers! Cambodians know that clean, safe water means life and health, so it is easy for them to understand the idea of Living Water.

Cambodia Impact has already installed 16 wells and has funds for 10 more.  A local minister, Pastor Saran, is selecting the families who will receive the next 10 wells. Goals for the future include developing a method to provide wells where there is no electricity, since nearly 80% of the rural population lives without electrical service. Along with drilling more wells, Cambodia Impact is also working to help Pastor Saran raise up new leaders for the Bible studies that will accompany the new wells since he can’t lead all of the studies by himself.

Will you prayerfully consider supporting the Living Water project? $500 will drill one well.

Special opportunity: would you like to support the Christmas outreach being planned by the families who live near the wells? They want to reach more of their neighbors with the Good News about Jesus Christ.