

Villagers in Myanmar face the same challenges as Cambodians do. They are stuck in a cycle of poverty, poor health and lack of education. Social unrest and other factors make it extremely hard to break the cycle without help.

Cambodia Impact is partnering in the ministry of two men who are called by God to serve the vulnerable people in Myanmar. Joshua was a teacher at Yangon Grace Bible School. He and his wife were called to move with their three children to a remote village consisting entirely of Muslims and Buddhists to share the love of Jesus Christ. They transported their own lumber donated from a friend’s torn-down house to build one room to live in. Cambodia Impact provided water and electricity for his home so he could concentrate on reaching the villagers.

Cyrus is also a Bible teacher who knows 15 languages. He and his wife and two children live near the city of Yangon and have established the House of Refuge for suffering children. They have let it be known that the House of Refuge will welcome any child who is unsafe, or whose parents have been killed or have abandoned them. They currently care for 26 children, six of whom just arrived last month. Cambodia Impact was able to assist with funding to get those children settled into the House of Refuge.

The goal of Cambodia Impact is to support the work of these two godly men as they reach out to their communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Is God prompting you to participate in the support of His work in Myanmar?

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